Good afternoon.... this is one song that has been ringing in my heart and mind for the past 1 week ever since we met up for the 1st time to prepare for the mission trip to Sarawak from 9-15 Aug. Oh I didn't update...never mind, so now you know.

But prior to that we in the worship team has also been compiling songs for CG and also for small group meeting usage. Anyway, the reason of this sharing is about the mission trip. We have to learn Bahasa songs (Lagu Rohani), Iban songs and also preparing testimony in Bahasa. Due to that, God has brought to mind this song that I used to sing when I first attended my previous church, RGBC. I used to be from a Bahasa Service (Youth Meeting then) before they switched to English when the whole Bahasa service was kind of channeled to EPCC (sorry if the fact is wrong coz this is what I thought, hahaha). Well, let me share with you the song in lyric form till I find the MP3 online.

G Em E Am
Kami berkumpul Tuhan dihadapan tahtaMu
D D7 G
Sujud menyembah dalam indahNya hadiratMu
Em E Am G F
Kami rindu curahan kuasa Roh Kudus
Bm Em Am D G D
Genapi firmanMu jadikanku alatMu

G Em Am D
Biar belas kasihanMu Bapa, penuhi hati kami
Am D C Am D
Curahkan kuasa Roh Kudus, Api KemuliaanMu
G Em B Em
Membakar hati yang rindu, untuk melayaniMu
Sampai seluruh neg'ri ini
Bm Em
Sampai seluruh bumi ini
Am D G
Dipenuhi Api KemuliaanMu

Hope that the lyrics of the song bless you if you can understand Bahasa. I will try to translate the meaning in English to you soon. Enjoy ya and God bless!!!